25 April 2010

KIDS: part 3: JEF: I forgot I had a blog...

... until my nephew JEF just reminded me by announcing that he had just started one of his own.  He, like me, isn't a big fan of FB.  I don't have a single intelligent thing to say right now, except to note that my pal FLS-T was the one who stimulated the exchange with JEF via an early South Park where a little Jesus throws a halo to disarm an evil snowman and Cartman's name is Kenny.  The reason I guess I forgot I had this blog is that of sheer busy-ness.  Work has been unrelenting.  I have to get up at 5 a.m. to grade some papers before the next batch comes in.  I helped BD with his commencement address earlier this evening after heading out in my old Telluride Danskos to climb the hill, go up the gas road, and head over to the probably Pueblo I archaeology site located right next to the methane drilling grasshopper.  It's a site, all right.  I have no idea if the bone is human, but the pottery is painted and the chert worked.  There had to have been sites like this all along and above the Florida River.  One of the many things I have to do before the summer goes into summer school-Tucson NAISA meetings-Ecuador-New Mexico-Texas-Peru-Mesa Verde-Silverton-then classesstartagain overdrive is revise our cultural affiliation report now that we've heard from the Hopi regarding our NAGPRA inventory.  I don't have time to update things much after so many years except perhaps to clarify just what our thinking was regarding leaving the Navajo off the list.  I could go on and on regarding all the things I have to do and think about and rewrite and write (e.g., paper I gave in Mexico City for a volume on mestizaje edited by SW and TC from Central Washington U; exhibit copy for the exhibit on gender and clothing in the CSWS)---plus, the putative BOOK that never seems to even remotely get going, with this summer being no exception to the long list of summers where I don't even have time to download the digital voice and photo and film recordings before I'm slammed with another semester of three courses, one of which I've never taught (language & culture).  Today I tried to kick back, doing little more than read the Kitty Kelley unauthorized bio of Oprah on my Kindle after cruising quickly through the Sunday paper.  Made a puffed pancake, some tofu and mushrooms, took a nap, and wrapped gifts for KLC and Gabby and my sister-in-law.  Then headed out to listen to 'London Calling' on the iPod while climbing the hills in my clogs and descending through the old road and trying unsuccessfully to get back home along the Kahn's barbed wire and oak brush fence.  Had to climb up the sand and rocks (the crumbled cliff-face) to get back to the road.  Came in and got the rice cooker going, sliced up some Black Pearl salmon for sashimi that went with salad, a perfect avocado, and a middling red wine (I'm spoiled by the cherry Apothic). 

Tomorrow?  Well, the grading thing.  Then a meeting at 11:30 to discuss the 'architecture of the Native American & Indigenous Studies program' roundtable we're giving in Tucson at the end of May.  Then, the gym, I guess.  But I hope I find some chocolate somewhere--the good stuff.  Something to go along with the prosciutto and creamy brie and all of the other amazing good things gifted to me in a giant basket delivered Friday by my student AC, who first appeared in my Andes class, was in history of anthro thought this term, and wants to go to Portland State for environmental law.  I've never had a basket like that, ever: Two bottles of good wine, red chianti sausage, strawberries, bananas---and this after I publicly said that her presentation for senior sem was largely devoid of any anthropology!  So here's to her, but also to Jeremy, the nephew who started all of this tonight and who is getting a package soon.


  1. What a busy summer, how the hell do you make that work?! Is that a Marshall Amp behind the wine bottle? Do you and/or BD play guitar??? Are you rocking London Calling yourself?! Good song :D

  2. Who's Marshall is that?

  3. It's a Googled bottle of Apothic held by a mystery hand in front of a Marshall. Otherwise it would have been my hand holding an Apothic in front of a donut.
