20 March 2010

do i stay or do i go?

'Been a rough couple of weeks, where decisions, actions, and dwindling resources to support the decisions and actions create an untenable mix.  In the meantime, the local paper published my op-ed piece (machu picchu meets John Dewey), Silvia asked for a letter to help her get a job at Butler, and KLC wondered what people like her (like me, like most of us) wear to a "black tie" event in Philadelphia (machu picchu meets vietnamese manicurists?)  Yesterday's words: pashmina and cardamom.  And English custard.  If things get better at work, perhaps I will feel free to resign.  If things get better at work, maybe I'll want to stay on several more years.  Should I cool it or should I blow?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I don't know. Try retiring and then coming back to teach. It's better because you don't have to put up with the crap but you can still be entertained by it. Meanwhile, some day it will be spring again and we can go outside without freezing. I look forward to that when things look grim (i.e., when I have to grade a third set of 27 lab reports). (PS -- I am not anonymous but I am not any of the other choices they give you, either).
